Downhole Pumps Bench Test
Perform testing with actual reservoir fluids before all installations
Testing laboratory in Houston, 3rd also being built in Venezuela

- Progressive Cavity Pumps (PCP)
- Electro submergible PCP (ESPCP - PPM)
- Electro submergible Pumps (ESP - IM/PMM)
- Surface pumping systems (MPP)
- CILA2S/ WOS controllers Test
- Pumps Performance Test
- Downhole / Surface Monitor Performance Test
- Pump Efficiency Test
- Controller Algorithm Performance Test
- Quality Energy Performance Test
- Surface Motor (PCP & SRP)
- Low Voltage Controller (PCP)
- CILA2S/ WOS Controller Test
- Surface Motor Technology Performance Test
- Surface Motor & Controller Efficiency Test
- Load Simulation & Performance Teest
- BackSpin Simulation & Performance Test
- Power Sag Performance Test
- Overload Simulation and Performance Test
- Controller Algorithm Performance Test
- Quality Energy performance Test.
- Downhole Induction Monitor (IM)
- Downhole Permanent Magnet Motor (PMM)
- CILA2S/ WOS Controller Test
- Motor Technology Performance Test
- Motor & Controller Efficiency Test
- Load Simulation & Performance Teest
- BackSpin Simulation & Performance Test
- Power Sag Performance Test
- Overload Simulation & Performance Test
- Controller Algorithm Performance Test
- Quality Energy performance Test.
- Elastomer Compatibility Testing
- Surface and Downhole Motor Testing
- Artificial Lift Design
- PCP Simulation and Modeling (C-FER)
- SCADA Well Monitoring and Optimization