BCP Group at the Automation Fair 2017

The Bcpgroup is a holding of companies with a value-added relationship of more than 16 years with Rockwell Automation, through its regional companies in Venezuela (BCPVEN), Colombia (SLACOL), United States (ESP International and BCPgroup Artificial Lift) and Brazil (BCPBRA), which are focused on developing solutions for the Oil & Gas sector with its intelligent controllers for Artificial Lift (CILA2S) systems.
BCPgroup is pleased to invite you to the Automation Fair on November 15 and 16, 2017, to visit our booth # 1315 at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas USA; where you will be able to experience live technologies from CILA2S, CIMA2S and WOS (Wellpad Optimization System): Controllers with advanced applications for the optimization of crude oil production, AVAS (Value Added Solutions and Applications) for BCP, BES, and Multiphase Pumping Systems (MPP).
After visiting the booth accompanied to take a tour of the new facilities of the new headquarters of the Bcpgroup Artificial Lift, we will be waiting on November 15 and 16, 2017 at 6315 N Sam Houston PKWY W, Houston, TX 77086.